Mike Bonin Subverts Venice Community’s Voice – Aims to Reverse 758 Sunset Decision

Dear Friends, Neighbors and Family,

I am so very sorry to inform you that on March 31, 2015 Councilman Mike Bonin went before the full City Council and requested jurisdiction over the project at 758 Sunset Avenue, the Small Lot Subdivision Case which had been denied by the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (watch short video below).

The Venice community came out overwhelmingly AGAINST this precedent-setting project, and the commissioners agreed it was TOO BIG for the lot! The WLA decision was to NOT allow this project to go forward, and here we watch our Elected official, Mike Bonin of CD11 speak for the developer and not the community that he is supposed to represent!

What this means is that the Case will go before the Planning Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee downtown and will be reheard. Due to Bonin taking jurisdiction the action taken by the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission becomes null and void. To those who attended and sent letters your compelling testimony was crucial.

The future of Venice as we know it is at stake, it is vital that we have as many people attend the hearing and ask that this and future small lot subdivisions be denied in Venice and that a full Environmental Report (EIR) be completed to show the cumulative impact that these projects are having. This project is out of MASS and SCALE with the existing community. We are at a tipping point with, if we don’t act now Venice will be ruined! No more sunlight, breeze, green space or walk ability or diversity.



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1 Response
  1. Gabriel Martinez

    My mom and dad owned that home before it got sold to that developer. When my parents died, we had to sell the home. We didn’t know that greedy developers would start buying up land, and exploiting Venice. I hope people continue to fight against these monsters. We cannot give up. And we need to get Bonin out of office, and also the corrupt Mayor who allows this to happen.