Venice Supports Indigenous People’s Day in Los Angeles— but will Mike Bonin?
Venice,CA— On September 15, 2015 The Venice Neighborhood Council unanimously passed a motion asking the Venice community to support an Indigenous People’s Day as well as calling for the City of Los Angeles to formally adopt the holiday in place of Columbus Day.
Perhaps inspired by the viral popularity and supportive response to Venice’s call for the holiday, two months later in November councilman O’Farrell announces that he wants to make Indigenous People’s Day in Los Angeles a reality and now it is finally ready for serious consideration by the Los Angeles City Council.
But will Mike Bonin support it?
Mike Bonin’s Unfavorable Spotlight
Mike Bonin currently has unfavorable political spotlight at the moment being caught up in at at least two lawsuits (that we know of.) He is included in a lawsuit by San Fernando Valley residents alleging unlawful city council voting as well as a lawsuit by Venice residents in his own district.
Given Bonin’s image of being unsupportive to Native Americans, “Latinos”, African Americans, and low income residents of all ethnicities on the Westside, his support for Indigenous People’s Day in Los Angeles could prove to be a smart step toward regaining some trust with his constituents.
Perhaps this may be a factor in why Mitch O’Farrell is pushing the motion? O’Farrell has become quite unpopular with many Native, African American, and low income residents in Los Angeles due to his support of the false-pretensed Echo Park “gang” injunction, his opposition to street vendors, and being perceived as an enabler of hyper-gentrification— all issues that ironically adversely affect many Indigenous people in Los Angeles.
“That was the intention of the motion we made. I support it. I just hope the city honors the restorative justice sentiment of the holiday and rescinds Columbus Day.”
– Mike Bravo, Venice Neighborhood Council
“People need to remember who’s land they are on and show some real respect, Columbus was a murderer, the holiday is a step in a good direction. I have my opinions about the motion that’s going before the (Los Angeles) city council but am very happy it’s getting the attention it deserves” says Mike Bravo, the Venice Neighborhood Council member who first created the popular motion in Venice, “that was the intention of the motion we made. I support it. I just hope the city honors the restorative justice sentiment of the holiday and rescinds Columbus Day.”
Venice Already Celebrates Indigenous People’s Day
On October 11th, 2015 our community celebrated it’s first Indigenous People’s Day celebration on our boardwalk. Save Venice is proud to support Indigenous People’s Day in Los Angeles and encourages all Los Angeles City residents to contact your councilperson and ask them to rescind Columbus Day and support Indigenous People’s Day for Los Angeles
All photos by Steven Storm
Leadership out of Venice from the few remaining Real Venice